Akcja szczepień na UŁ

The full statement below


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

by joining the vaccination campaign organised by employers, the University of Lodz informs that:

  1. employees (persons who are employed by the University of Lodz) and members of their families,
  2. students and doctoral students of the University of Lodz as well as students of our Polish Language Centre for Foreigners

can report an intention to get vaccinated through the campaign.

Today, i.e., on May 4 (and no later than tomorrow) to all these people's e-mail addresses (only those in the uni.lodz.pl domain) information on the rules of vaccination will be sent (it is very important to read the information contained in the e-mail carefully before submitting the application), as well as an application form, the completion and return of which will be equivalent with an intention to get vaccinated, with the acceptance of the rules (we also post for viewing at https://covid19.uni.lodz.pl/).

Applications can be submitted until May 9, till midnight (later the form will be closed and we do not plan to accept applications again).


Jarosław Grabarczyk

Deputy Chancellor of the University of Lodz