Legitymacje ważne do 14.10.2021!

Important news for the students, doctoral students and employees of the University of Lodz. Student ID cards, the validity of which did not have to be extended in the last months, will become invalid as of 14 October 2021.

It will happen so, as the Minister of Education and Science has repealed his Regulation of 25 February 2021 on the temporary limitation of the functioning of certain entities of the higher education and science system in relation to the prevention, counteracting and combating COVID-19

Due to the coronavirus pandemic the validity of student ID cards was maintained automatically, without the need to visit the dean's offices. The situation changed on 15 August 2021, when the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) repealed its regulation on this matter. In accordance with the regulations, the documents expire 60 days from the repeal, i.e., in this particular case exactly on 14 October 2021

Till then all of those who use their student ID cards and still want to do so, should extend their validity.

Information on how to extend validity of the document is provided by individual Dean’s Offices. For instance, at the Faculty of Philology, employees of the University will visit class groups and perform collective student ID card renewals. Please contact the Dean’s Office of your Faculty directly to learn more.

Full information on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.


Source: MEiN

Edit: Promotion Centre, UL