Rękopis prof. Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego wrócił na UŁ

University of Lodz has received the original manuscript of Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński's article from 1948, written to commemorate founding of the University's flag and the creation of its motto. The document is a gift from Professor Antoni Rajkiewicz, a well-known economist from Warsaw, who was a student at the University of Lodz when Professor Kotarbiński wrote his article. Although almost 75 years have passed, Mr Rajkiewicz has not forgotten his alma mater and donated this treasure to the UL Rector Elżbieta Żądzińska. A great help in editing the text has been provided by Paweł Spodenkiewicz from University of Lodz Library, a long-time researcher of sources connected, among others, with Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński.


The first students of the University of Lodz and their (love) story

Professor Kotarbiński's article, discussing the value, significance and importance of science, was inspired by the dramatic events that took place in the first years of the University of Lodz, when attempts to maintain the autonomy of the university and its independence from Marxist ideology were made. The movement of resistance in the newly established University of Lodz was led by the Rector, Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński, supported by a considerable part of professors and opposition-minded students.

“The original manuscript was sent to us by Anna and Antoni Rajkiewicz, who started their studies at the University of Lodz 75 years ago. This is where they met and fell in love to live with each other until today. It is a beautiful story, which came to us at the best possible moment, giving us a lot of inspiration for further action - says Professor Elżbieta Żądzińska, Rector of the University of Lodz.

Truth and Freedom

In the first years after the Second World War, the supporters of the university's autonomy clashed with those who struggled to subordinate it to Marxist ideology. One of the centres of student resistance at the UL was the Research Club of Lawyers and Economists.  In 1946, its members initiated a collection of money for a university flag, at the same time suggesting that the slogan "Truth and Freedom" should be inscribed on it.  These words were taken from Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński's speech, in which he said “Truth and Freedom – these are the university's watchwords". What he had in mind was preserving traditional academic freedoms and not succumbing to the pressure of ideology. The professor, who was a well-known freethinker, was intent not only on resisting the dogmatic Marxism that was being introduced at the time, but also on not giving in to the pressure from the Catholic Church.

The gift from the students was presented to the Rector by a delegation from the Bratnia Pomoc self-help organisation. The ceremony took place on 14 March 1948. To commemorate that occasion, the organisation issued a one-day publication entitled "Three Years of Work" with the aforementioned article by Professor Kotarbiński. Devoted to science and its goals, it includes the following words of wisdom:

Science is so important not because it satiates curiosity and moulds compelling intellects, not because it is akin to art in shaping refinement and not because it is sometimes paired with art, not without detriment to its own seriousness, but because it is an indispensable groundwork, an indispensable preparation of a prosperous household and the technology serving it, a preparation of defence against disease and premature death, defence against social disasters, and in particular against defeat in a struggle for a worthwhile existence.

In defence of the university values...

Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński defended the liberal concept of the university even in the most difficult Stalinist times. During a scientific session held in 1950 at the University of Lodz, which was intended by the organisers to approve the Soviet model of functioning of science, he said:

May the University of Lodz continue to be a place of a truthful teaching staff aspiring to objective truth. If it feels this way, then the words inscribed on its banner will not lose their validity and essential value. For these are great monumental constants at a time of great general reconstruction.

These events took place against the background of the legislative initiatives of the communist authorities.  First, there was the Decree on the Organisation of Science and Higher Education of October 1947, which stipulated that the rector was appointed by the President of Poland upon the request the Minister of Education.  Even more far-reaching was the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Employees of December 1951, which completely eliminated the autonomy of higher education institutions and placed all decisions in the hands of the minister.  He was free to impose teaching material and transform the structure of universities. This law was in force until the "thaw" in 1956, when autonomy was partially restored.

Ethicist, philosopher, lecturer...

Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński played a major role not only in the first years of the University of Lodz. He gave direction to the university’s development and shaped a model of scientific work that has been a point of reference for the whole academic community of our University for decades.

To continue the Professor’s humanistic reflection, in 2015, when the University celebrated its 70th anniversary, the Memorial Prize of the First Rector of the University of Lodz Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński was established for outstanding work in humanities. The award is a national distinction, which has already established its reputation among Polish scientists. The competition makes it possible to show the value and diversity of studies in the field of humanities in Poland to a wider audience.

This year, the competition attracted as many as 68 works from the leading Polish scientific institutions. This is almost a record in the six-year history of the award. Soon, the Jury will announce the works nominated to the final of the 6th edition of the award.  

University of Lodz is one of the biggest universities in Poland. Its mission is to educate top-class scientists and specialists in numerous fields of humanities, social sciences, natural and exact sciences as well as health sciences. UniLodz cooperates with business, both at the staff level by providing qualified employees as well as at the scientific level, by offering its know-how to enterprises from various areas of economy. University of Lodz is an academic institution open to the world – the number of its international students is constantly growing, while its Polish students, thanks to Exchange programmes, get to know Europe, Asia and travel overseas. The University is a part of Lodz, it operates for and with the community of Lodz by getting involved in many socio-cultural projects.

Source: Paweł Spodenkiewcz (University of Lodz Library)

Edit: promotion Centre, UL