PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Jarosław Płuciennik




Prof. Ph.D. Jarosław Płuciennik, born in 1966 in Ostrów Wielkopolski, has been living in Łódź since his studies. Professor of the humanities, cultural studies expert, literary expert, cognitive scientist, historian of ideas. He is the author of approximately 200 publications in many languages in cultural studies, literature and cognitive science, including eight individual books and co-edited many other collective volumes. He also translated books and scientific articles from English and Swedish.

He was the Pro-Vice-Rector of the University of Lodz for quality and education programs in 2012-2016 and the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Open Educational Resources in the 2016-2020 term. From spring 2020 to 2021, he was a member of the Advisory Team for climate and environmental policy at the University of Łódź.

During his internships abroad, he also studied the Swedish language, Scandinavian culture and cognitive semantics (1994-1996). His phD thesis entitled Rhetoric of the Sublime was defended in 1999. He supported his habilitation colloquium in 2003 based on the thesis entitled Literary Identifications and Resonances. Poetics and empathy.


Cognitive science (especially the theory of figures of speech and narratology and theory of mind, multimodal storytelling, creative writing, critical media literacy, cultural production), philosophy and cultural history (especially comparative Scandinavian and Polish cultures, Nordic culture, culture of activism and subcultures, freedom of speech , democracy and modernity, Disneyization and Disneyfication), multilingualism and ecocriticism (e.g. Greta Thunberg and the cultural contexts of her speeches), as well as research on higher education (university democracy, the idea of the university), digital humanities (also as a methodology) and open educational resources .


Recent book works include The Courage of Poetics. Activism, resistance, psalms (in Polish 2019), Creativity, employability, university, edited by J. Płuciennik, M. Czajkowska and M. Wróblewski, WUŁ, Łódź 2018; Polish psalms during the reform. Łódź tetrapla for 500 years of the Reformation, ed. D. Kowalska, K. Płachcińska, J. Płuciennik, WUŁ, Łódź 2017; Lyndal Roper, Martin Luther. The Prophet and the Rebel, transl. M.Potz and L. Chmielewska, scientific editors: M. Hintz, J. Płuciennik, J. Sojka, WUŁ, Łódź 2017; On-line/Off-line. Between Text and Experience. Writing as a Lifestyle. Eds. Peter Gärdenfors, William Powers, Jarosław Płuciennik, Michał Wróblewski, Łódź-Kraków: WUŁ, WUJ 2015; Infinity in Language (co-authored) (2008), Literature, Stupid! Laboratories of Modern Literary Culture (2009) and Literature, Culture, and Tolerance, ed. by A. Murphy, Ch. Russell, J. Płuciennik and I. Hübner (2009).

Since 2010, Editor-in-Chief of an international semi-annual scientific journal with over 60 years of tradition entitled Problems of Literary Genres. (Zagadnienia Rodzajów LIterackich)

He supervised 8 successful PhD theses.

He has been awarded many times by the Rectors of the University of Lodz and the Conference of Rectors of Lodz State Universities and the Polish Academy of Sciences, awarded the KEN Medal (2011) and the Gold Badge of the University of Lodz (2013). He was a guest lecturer at the University of Warsaw, the Academy of Music in Łódź and the University of Lund. He also lectured at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, USA. He conducted studies and research at Lund University Cognitive Science in Sweden, at Westminster College and Clare Hall in Cambridge, at the Institute of Culture in Bolzano and at CEU in Budapest. He was the manager of international EU projects: LLOM, iProfessionals and Boys Reading, iProUŁ 2014 and Otwarty UŁ. He has been the Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Łódź Branch since 2015. Member of the Committee on Cultural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (in the 2020-2023 term), within it a member of the International Affairs Team and the Social Affairs Team. He is and was a member of many international and Polish scientific societies.

He supervised approximately 100 diploma theses (mainly master's theses).