Nabór wniosków o stypendium socjalne na rok akademicki 2023/2024 - terminy

Dear Students,


Social Affairs Centre for Students and Doctoral Students of the University of Lodz kindly informs that the call for applications for social scholarships for the academic year 2023/2024 for students who have completed their first year of studies begins on 4 May 2023.


The legal basis is the University of Lodz Rules and Regulations for Scholarship Benefits of the University of Lodz introduced by Regulation No. 141 of 12 September 2022. A template of the application form is enclosed as Annex No. 3 to the Scholarship Benefits Rules and Regulations. Detailed rules of documenting the application are contained in Annex No. 7. The amount of the allowance, depending on the income threshold, is provided in Annex No. 9. Downloadable documents are available in the DOCUMENT DATABASE tab – download. We also encourage you to visit  where you will easily and quickly obtain a full list of documents necessary to document your family's financial and income situation.

We would also like to remind you that each student whose family receives an income of PLN 600/net/month/person or less is obliged to provide a certificate from the Municipal Social Welfare Centre/Communal Social Welfare Centre or Social Welfare Centre on the use of social or welfare assistance or a certificate on the income and financial situation of the student and their family. 

The scholarship threshold up to which the University of Lodz awards the social scholarship is PLN 1294.40 net/person/month.


Students who have been enrolled as of 1 January 2023 should submit their applications for a social scholarship by 15 September 2023 or within 14 days of submitting the documents to the qualification committee.