Scientific interests:

theoretical studies of host-guest type complexes; the mechanism and kinetics of electron transfer reactions; quantum calculations of interactions at the metal-solution interface; computer simulations of chemical processes


Theoretical Chemistry; Applications of Mathematics in Chemistry

Scientific Profile:

ORCID: 0000-0002-3872-2426


Scientific Career :

1989 – M.Sc. degree - University of Lodz, Faculty of Mathematics , Physics and Chemistry. The master thesis performed in the field of theoretical chemistry.

1997 – Ph.D. degree in chemistry - University of Porto , Portugal , Faculty of Science. Specialization theoretical chemistry.

2012 - Habilitation in chemistry.

2012 - professor of the University of Lodz

Research experience gained abroad:

1992 - University of Porto, Portugal, academic training

1994 - University of Porto, Portugal, academic training within the program Tempus

1994-1997 - University of Porto, Portugal, Ph.D. studies

1999 - University of Ulm, Germany postdoctoral research internship

2001 - University of Ulm, Germany, postdoctoral research internship

2002 - University of Ulm, Germany, postdoctoral research internship

2004 - University of Ulm, Germany, postdoctoral research internship

2005 - University of Ulm, Germany, postdoctoral research internship

2006 - University of Ulm, Germany, scientific stay - research project of the European Union NENA

2009 - University of Ulm, Germany, scientific stay - research project in the framework of the EU project HPC- Europa2

2014 - University of Ulm, Germany, scientific stay - participation in the research project in the framework of DFG Research Unit

2016 - University of Ulm, Germany, scientific stay - participation in the research project in the framework of DFG Research Unit

2017 - University of Ulm, Germany, scientific stay - participation in the research project in the framework of DFG Research Unit

2018 - University of Ulm, Germany, scientific stay - participation in the research project in the framework of DFG Research Unit


Scientific interests:

theoretical studies of host-guest type complexes; the mechanism and kinetics of electron transfer reactions; quantum calculations of interactions at the metal-solution interface; computer simulations of chemical processes


(office): 42-635-57-91