PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Dagmara Michałowska-Gudala


  • Provide support to UL students and doctoral students with disabilities and/or deficits on various levels by:

- identifying needs,

- coordinating educational, specialist support,

- individual educational counseling,

- designing and conducting psycho-educational workshops,

- engaging the community of students with various difficulties and specific educational needs related to studying in activities that integrate them into the entire academic community,

- coordinating addiction prevention activities (cooperation with the Plenipotentiary of the Rector of the University of Lodz for Persons with Disabilities and the Plenipotentiary of the Rector of the University of Lodz for Addictions).

  • Cooperation with units of the University of Lodz in providing support to students with various difficulties and specific educational needs in areas including the course of study, equalization of educational and developmental opportunities
  • Maintaining a database of students with disabilities, including registration of disability certificates.Conducting statistics and reporting on the number of students with disabilities
  • Coordination of activities and active participation in events, trainings, conferences and other activities of ACW UŁ.
  • Activities aimed at promoting the ACW UŁ.
  • Active participation in the ACW UŁ team.
  • Implementation of other tasks related to the activities of ACW UŁ.


phone: 42-665-51-65


Pomorska 152 91-404 Łódź