1 mln zł dla naukowców - Inkubator Innowacyjności na #UniLodz

The Centre for Technology Transfer, University of Lodz actively supports scientists of the University of Lodz in developing their commercialisation potential. The support is possible thanks to the implementation of, inter alia, the Innovation Incubator project. During four years of its duration, scientists from our University have received additional funds for research increasing their commercialisation potential in the amount of PLN 1,000,000.00.

Since 2017, the University of Lodz Centre for Technology Transfer in consortium with the Medical University of Lodz (the project leader) and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, has been successfully implementing the Innovation Incubator project – a project of the Ministry of Education and Science. So far, the Centre has already carried out two, and is currently implementing the third edition of this programme.  

The goal of the project is to support the process of managing the results of research and development works, which include in particular an analysis of the market potential of inventions and an analysis of their readiness for implementation, as well as evaluation of industrial property rights. 

"We started with the Innovation Incubator+, through II 2.0 and the latest, implemented from September 2020, Innovation Incubator 4.0. Thanks to the Innovation Incubator, we are already signing a contract with the 17th research team of our University for the implementation of research works that will open the door to cooperation of our scientists with external partners"

Adam Kaźmierczak, director of the Centre for Technology Transfer.

The first two editions allowed for financial support for 10 pre-implementation projects – i.e.,  projects the goal of which was to reach such a level so as to be able to start cooperation with the industry, arouse interest in the solutions and implement the solutions with the help of companies. 

The first edition of the project allowed the Centre for Technology Transfer Team to select 7 projects, which in total obtained support in the amount of almost PLN 600,000.00, of which 488,800.00 came from the programme subsidy.  

  1. „Optymalizacja działania kruszywa ceramicznego opłaszczonego biopolimerem z modyfikowalnym składem”[Optimisation of the performance of ceramic aggregate coated with a biopolymer with modifiable composition"; research team: dr Agnieszka Bednarek (the project manager), Paweł Jarosiewicz, prof. dr hab. Maciej Zalewski, the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz 
  2.  „Nowy produkt z krwiściągu lekarskiego o innowacyjnym działaniu radiochronnym” [A new product made of Sanguisorba officinalis with an innovative radioprotective effect]; research team: dr hab. Halina Żbikowska, prof. of UL (the project manager), Kamila Czubak, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection 
  3. „Innowacyjny produkt stworzony z ekologicznych materiałów na bazie nowoczesnych technologii „Relaksacyjna strefa Oxy Cardio wspomagająca zdrowotność i rekonwalescencje społeczeństwa” [An innovative product made of ecological materials based on modern technologies "Oxy Cardio relaxation zone supporting health and convalescence of the society”]; research team: dr hab. Zdzisława Romanowska - Duda, prof. of UL, Witold Dytrych, Mieczysław Grzesik, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, PHU Dytrych Sp. Z o.o. Technological Innovations
  4. „Biotechnologiczna rekultywacja osadów dennych jako ekoinnowacyjny sposób poprawy jakości gleby – opracowanie i komercjalizacja produktu „Eko-innowacyjne podłoże biotechnologiczne” [Biotechnological reclamation of bottom sediments as an eco-innovative way to improve soil quality – development and commercialisation of the product "Eco-innovative biotechnological substrate"]; research team: dr hab. Magdalena Urbaniak, prof. of UL, (the project manager), dr Agnieszka Baran, Roman Rylik, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection , University of Lodz, University of Agriculture in Krakow
  5.  „Opracowanie metody recyklingu blistrów farmaceutycznych” [Development of a method for recycling pharmaceutical blisters]; research team: dr hab. inż. Marek Zieliński, prof. of UL (project manager), prof. dr hab. Sławomir Skrzypek, dr Ewa Miękoś, dr Dominik Szczukocki, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Lodz
  6.  „Opracowanie warunków produkcji innowacyjnego biopreparatu bakterii bacillus sprzyjającego wzrostowi zdrowotności roślin wraz ze szczegółowym wskazaniem przeznaczenia i sposobu” [Development of conditions for the production of an innovative biopreparation of bacillus bacteria favouring the increase in plant health, along with a detailed indication of the purpose and method]; research team: dr hab. Katarzyna Paraszkiewicz, prof. of UL (the project manager), dr Anna Jasińska, Aleksandra Góralczyk, dr hab. Przemysław Bernat, prof. of UL, prof. dr hab. Jerzy Długoński, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
  7. „Opracowanie urządzenia służącego do izolacji plemników wysokiej jakości biologicznej w zależności od potencjału powierzchniowego” [Development of a device for the isolation of high biological quality sperm, depending on the surface potential]; research team: prof. dr hab. Maria Bryszewska (project manager), dr hab. Maksim Ionov, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection 

Throughout duration of the programme all the projects were implemented and completed on time. Projects the effects of which were implemented quickly were co-financed – e.g., a graduation tower with an original selection of plants for patients of the Bieganski Hospital in Lodz.  Our University scientists team has also developed a device for separation of pharmaceutical blisters.

The second edition of the programme, shorter than the previous two editions, made it possible to support 3 projects. 

  1.  „Dwa Języki Jedna Droga – innowacyjny pakiet edukacyjny do nauki czytania i pisania w dwóch językach, polskim i angielskim, dla dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym” [Two Languages One Way – an innovative educational package for learning to read and write in two languages, Polish and English, for preschool children"; research team: dr hab. Monika Wiśniewska - Kin, prof. of UL (the project manager), Sylwia Dżereń - Glowacka, Weronika Kisiel, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz, Kids Talk Language Center for Children
  2. „Badania nad możliwością wykorzystania kapsuły monitoringowej do oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia wód metalami ciężkimi na terenach zurbanizowanych” [Research on the possibility of using a monitoring capsule to assess the degree of water pollution with heavy metals in urbanized areas].  Research team: dr Mariusz Tszydel (the project manager), dr Dagmara Błońska, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
  3. „PioMelaCure – piomelaninowy preparat wspomagający terapię powszechnych zakażeń H. pylori” [PioMelaCure - a piomelanine preparation supporting the treatment of common H. pylori infections]; research team: Mateusz Urbaniak (the project manager), dr Karolina Rudnicka, dr Agnieszka Matusiak, prof. dr hab. Magdalena Mikołajczyk - Chmiela, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz 

"For the first time in the second edition, we supported a project from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz, which we hope is not our last project in the field of humanities, but a good start to engage not only experimental sciences in commercialisation" 

Adam Kaźmierczak, director of the Centre for Technology Transfer. 

During the projects, scientists represented the University of Lodz at international invention trade shows in Croatia, Kaohsiung Taiwan and the prestigious Concours Lepin International Exhibition of Inventions in Paris, winning medals, special awards and distinctions.  

In the third edition of the Innovation Incubator 4.0 project, which was launched in September 2020, 6 projects of our scientists and doctoral students which received financial support were selected.  

As in previous editions, the Project is carried out in a consortium of three universities: Medical University of Lodz (the project leader), University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and University of Lodz. For the awarded projects, the amount of PLN 290,000 was allocated for the necessary scientific work, research and tests that will bring our scientists closer to cooperation with the external environment representing the sphere of business.  

The funding was awarded to projects on the following topics: 

  1. „Kompaktowy Obiekt Retencyjno – Doczyszczający (KORD).” [A Compact Retention and Cleaning Object (KORD)]; research team: Paweł Jarosiewicz (the project manager), prof. dr hab. Maciej Zalewski, dr hab. Tomasz Jurczak, prof. of UL, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL
  2. „Opracowanie i komercjalizacja biopreparatu do stymulacji naturalnych procesów biodegradacji herbicydów w glebie” [Development and commercialisation of a biopreparation for stimulation of natural processes of biodegradation of herbicides in the soil]; research team: Elżbieta Mierzejewska (the project manager), dr hab. Magdalena Urbaniak, prof. of UL, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL
  3. „Badanie możliwości wykorzystania materiałów organicznych w diodach elektroluminescencyjnych OLED” [Research on the possibility of using organic materials in OLED light-emitting diodes] by: dr Adam Pieczonka, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Lodz
  4. „Nowe pochodne tiosemikarbazydu i tiazolidynonu w inwazjach o etiologii Toxoplasma gondii w badaniach in vivo” [New derivatives of thiosemicarbazide and thiazolidinone in invasions of Toxoplasma gondii etiology in the in vivo studies]; research team: Adrian Bekier (the project manager), dr hab. Katarzyna Dzitko, prof. of UL, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL
  5. „Organiczne przełączniki typu “off-on” do detekcji jonów rtęci” [Organic off-on switches for the detection of mercury ions]; research team: dr Anna Wrona - Piotrowicz (the project manager), dr Magdalena Ciechańska, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Lodz
  6. „Badanie przenikalności dielektrycznej płynu przesiękowego.” [Research on the dielectric permittivity of the transudate fluid.]; research team: Maciej Ślot (the project manager), dr hab. Wielisław Olejniczak, prof. of UL, prof. dr hab. Ilona Zasada, dr hab. n. med. Agata Bielecka - Dąbrowa, Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics, University of Lodz, Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Research Institute  

"We hope that we will have the opportunity to further support our scientists in the implementation of projects that will arouse interest not only of the world of science, but also find their recipients in the world of our partners from the broadly understood external environment of the University of Lodz."

 Adam Kaźmierczak, director of the Centre for Technology Transfer. 


Source: Centre for Technology Transfer, UL

Edit: Promotion Centre, UL