dr hab. Jacek Izydorczyk

associate professor UL, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Japan (2017-2019)

Jacek Izydorczyk (born in 1972); Doctor of Laws; Professor at the University of Lodz; Lawyer. Served as an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Japan from 2017 to 2019 by the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland of 9 February 2017.
Professional and academic track record: law studies (Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz: 1991-1996); Master of Laws (1996); Doctor of Laws (2000); judicial application in a three-year system (2002-2005); judge's exam (2005); scientific internship in Japan (Kiuiu University: 2005-2007); Doctor of Laws (2011); Associate Professor, University of Lodz (2011); Disciplinary Ombudsman for academic teachers, University of Lodz (2012); Head of the Department of Special Criminal Proceedings, University of Lodz (2013). 

His research and teaching interests include criminal law and procedure, criminology, criminal fiscal law, misdemeanour law, international criminal law and procedures and comparative law.

He is an author of over 100 scientific publications (including books, articles, glosses and articles in foreign languages: English and Japanese, he has also published in Japan); author of such monographs as: "Stosowanie tymczasowego aresztowania w polskim postępowaniu karnym" [The use of temporary arrest in Polish criminal proceedings] (Zakamycze 2002), "Hanzai – znaczy przestępstwo. Ściganie przestępstw pospolitych oraz white-collar-crimes w Japonii" [Hanzai – means crime. Prosecution of common crimes and white-collar-crimes in Japan] (Wolters Kluwer 2008), "Granice orzekania sądu odwoławczego w polskiej procedurze karnej" [Limits of adjudication of the appeal court in Polish criminal procedures] (UL Publishing House 2010). 

Disciplinary Ombudsman for Academic Teachers (terms: I. 2012-2016, II. 2016-2020, III. 2020-2024).